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We are a Fairtrade Village
Fairtrade Activities in Saltford
Here we report on just some of the activities that the Saltford Fairtrade Group get up to.
Coffee Morning - Friday 18th October 2024
August 2024
Please join us for our next coffee morning from 11am on Friday 18th October in the Avon Room at Saltford Hall in Wedmore Road. All are welcome to come along for a tea, coffee and cake.
A friendly welcome awaits you, and it's a chance to try some Fairtrade products as well as taste some delicious cakes made with Fairtrade ingredients.
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Fairtrade Fortnight 2024
August 2024
Fairtrade Fortnight runs this year from September the 9th to the 22nd and marks 30 years since Fairtrade products first hit the shelves.
Look out for National and Local campaigns as well as special promotions of Fairtrade Products in stores such as the Co-op. By choosing Fairtrade products you can not only make a change, but you can also be the change #BeTheChange, just look for the logo.
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Saltford Festival 2024
August 2024
Thank You. Our group would like to thank the SCA and all the people who baked, cooked and served refreshments using Fairtrade products during the Saltford Festival (7-16 June). In addition to our stand at the opening morning event, our group, aided by funds from your donations, contributed seven packs of Fairtrade refreshment products to local organisations.
Additional donations from Tesco of Saltford and from Tina Curtis our local Co-op Member Pioneer also enabled us to provide a hamper of Fairtrade 'goodies' as part of the SCA raffle - many congratulations to the winner!
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Fairtrade Group at Christmas Market (2nd Dec)
December 2023
Saltford Fairtrade Group once again held a stall at the Christmas Market on Saturday 2nd December 2023. Displaying a wide range of Fairtrade products and gifts ideal for the perfect present or stocking filler! Items had also been kindly donated by the local Saltford branch of Tesco and the group held a raffle containing a variety of locally sourced Fairtrade Products.
By supporting Fairtrade you are making a difference by ensuring better prices and improved working conditions for farmers and their communities in the developing world. Don't forget there are plenty of shops that stock Fairtrade products including our local Tesco and the Keynsham branch of Waitrose in addition to Co-Op stores and branches of Oxfam to name but a few. Products can also be obtained online through organisations such as the 'Ethical Superstore'.
Thank you to those who visited us at the Christmas Market and for anyone who bought a raffle ticket or made a donation. Remember we are a small friendly group and new members are always welcome.
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Saltford Fairtrade Coffee Morning, 13th October
October 2023
Friday October 13th from 11.00 am - 12.30pm
(Free Entry - Donations welcome)
A warm welcome awaits you, with Fairtrade coffee, tea, cake and a raffle. Chat to Saltford's Fairtrade Group about Fairtrade and discover how by buying products with the Fairtrade logo help ensure better prices and improved working conditions for farmers and their communities in the developing world.
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Fairtrade Fortnight - Coffee Morning 10th Mar 2023
February 2023
To mark Fairtrade Fortnight, Saltford's Fairtrade Group has arranged a coffee morning from 11am - 1pm on Friday 10th March 2023 at Saltford Hall in Wedmore Road.
A warm welcome awaits you, with Fairtrade coffee, tea, and cake and a raffle. (Free Entry).
If you are available, come along and help us celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight.
Choosing Fairtrade products helps ensure better prices and improved working conditions for farmers and their communities in the developing world. Making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet.
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Fairtrade Christmas in Saltford
October 2021
Fairtrade Christmas stall in 2019 (pre-pandemic!)
Christmas is fast approaching, and the Saltford Community Association will be holding their Christmas Market on Saturday 4th December 2021 with doors open at 10am.
Once more we will have a Fairtrade stall where we can show you a selection of the enormous range of Fairtrade goods that are available and perhaps inspire you on your quest for that perfect gift as well as helping to make a difference to others.
Please visit us at the Christmas Market for a friendly chat and enjoy a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee in the excellent Saltford Hall cafe. Hope to see you there. New members always welcome.
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Climate change - what it means to Fairtrade farmers and how Fairtrade are responding to their needs
September 2021
As Part of The Great Big Green Week - Churches Together, Eco Festival on 18th September 2021 - Keynsham Market Walk/The Space, 10am - 3pm, the Saltford and Keynsham Fairtrade Groups are sharing a stall. Do come along to find out more about Fairtrade and their part in helping struggling farmers cope with climate change.
The cocoa industry is a turbulent sector, where poverty and child labour are still commonplace and a living income - enough for a decent standard of living, or £1.86 per day - is reserved for just a few farmers. For cocoa producers, it's a constant battle dealing with the effects of adverse weather conditions brought on by climate change and volatile cocoa prices.
Environmental protection is a key element of Fairtrade's view of sustainability. Fairtrade Standards require smallholder farmer and larger hired labour production set-ups to comply in key areas. The Standards also promote training for farmers, which can include advice on switching to environmentally friendly practices. This has been shown to lead to good agricultural practices, which have encouraged environmentally sustainable production. The Standards also guide producers in adapting to climate change and mitigate their immediate needs. More than ever, they need a fair price for their crops and their hard work.
If you think feeding your family, educating your children and caring for your community and ultimately the planet is good for you then please buy Fairtrade and Traidcraft when choosing your tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar and bananas along with the many other products. No farmer should have to work so hard and not be able to feed their family and educate their children.
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SCA Open Morning 7th August 2021
Pictured here is the Saltford Fairtrade Group stall at the Saltford Community Affiliation Open morning. After a year's absence it was good to see so many visitors to the event and share what the Saltford community have to offer.
Meeting up with other stall holders and visitors renewed and straightened our commitment to promote the Fairtrade ethos and use of Fairtrade products.
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An Ethical and Fairtrade Christmas 2020
With Christmas around the corner the Saltford Fairtrade Group would like to get everyone thinking about where the produce they buy comes from and how ethical it is. That lovely chocolate, coffee, tea and many more items we enjoy come from developing countries where farmers and their workers can often experience poor working conditions and receive 'below market price' for their products meaning they don't get a fair living wage for their produce.
Fairtrade requires participating companies to provide their farmers a guaranteed fair wage. This must never be below the market price with the added bonus of a premium which the farmers jointly decide what their greatest needs are. The cost to us may be a little higher but the cost to the farmers and producers means healthy happy workers and a new generation of educated children.
See the list below to help you find some different Fairtrade products that you may not have thought of. Look out for them when you are out shopping to help you whip up a veritable feast for Christmas. Keep a look out for the green/blue and black/white Fairtrade logo in all our local supermarkets and in independent traders in Keynsham like W F Buss and Conscience.
Herbs; Spices; Liqueur; Vodka; Cocoa powder; Vanilla Bean Extract; Vanilla Pods; Packets of nuts - brazil, pecan, peanuts/peanuts and raisins, cashews; Olive oil; Fridge coffee based drinks; Flowers; and Cotton wool.
Thank you for choosing Fairtrade.
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Fairtrade Coffee morning 28 Feb 2020
To celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight there will be a Fairtade coffee morning at Saltford Hall in Wedmore Road on Friday 28th February from 10.30am-12.30pm.
The theme this year follows on from 2019, 'She deserves a fair wage', but our Fairtrade group has learnt so much more about how Fairtrade is trying to tackle the ever present climate change issue and other important factors to make Fairtrade farming more sustainable.
By enjoying Fairtrade products and hearing how the Fairtrade Foundation are making valuable inroads to help Fairtrade farmers we would like to arm everyone with practical helpful facts to take away and help spread the Fairtrade ethos with us. No coffee morning would be complete without home made cakes and we look forward to sharing a warm welcome to everyone.
The Saltford Fairtrade Group would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported our campaign during Fairtrade Fortnight. Our stall at Saltford Hall was designed to pass on information about the Fairtrade Foundation that most people wouldn't know about. Aspects such as sustainable farming and adaptation to crops to cope with climate change. Cakes, cakes and more cakes, well it was a coffee morning after all.
Thank you to everyone who joined us. Friends bought friends and made new friends and all shared the Fairtrade ethos. A special thanks goes to the SCA who let us set up our stall and donated the tea, coffee and sugar for the coffee morning. All this adds up to a caring Fairtrade village and we are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Fairtrade Village status during Fairtrade Fortnight.
We would also like to thank Tesco and Waitrose for their kind contribution towards our Fairtrade Fortnight coffee morning.
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Getting ready for Christmas 2019 the Fairtrade way with the Saltford Fairtrade Group
We bet you wouldn't think that the kitchen gloves, bars of soap, kitchen towels and spices on the Saltford Fairtrade stall at the Saltford Christmas Fair this year (30th November) were all Fairtrade? Along with the array of lovely colourful Tradecraft goodies it made the perfect way get everyone's Christmas preparations started.
Thank you everyone for buying Fairtrade, where you know that the producers always reap the benefits of their labour to better their lives and that of their families and cooperatives. Think Christmas, think Fairtrade.
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Fairtrade Christmas Extravaganza, Larkall, Bath (8th Nov 2019)
St Saviour's website is at this link where directions can be found (at the bottom of the home page).
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Gender and Fairtrade (8 March 2019)
'She deserves a living income', the theme of this year's Fairtrade Fortnight fitted in well when on International Women's Day our guest speaker Dr Roy Maconachie showed 40 of us his film entitled "Gender and Fairtrade - the stories of women cocoa farmers in Ghana".
What happens before the bar of chocolate you buy gets neatly wrapped? Are we paying a fair price for it? Does choosing Fairtrade Chocolate really made a difference to anyone? Roy's film, talk and question & answer session certainly gave us a great deal to think about. His research had to work around the sensitivities and culture barriers of the women he wanted to film, something that had not been recognised in the past but is now standard practice.
The women had been given video cameras to capture their daily lives giving them free reign to tell their stories, no questions, just realities. The women spoke their minds and showed the struggle of helping their husbands and attending to all the family needs before working their own cocoa trees.
One of Roy's aims was to generate wider lessons for Fairtrade policy and practice, particularly in relation to how cooperatives can do more to empower women and enable them to access greater benefits from Fairtrade. One of Roy's conclusions through his research was that although Fairtrade certification initiatives not initially designed to address gender inequality, or the specific concerns that women face in cocoa production, gender equity has now become one of the key principles of Fairtrade.
This has been borne out in the 2019 Fairtrade Fortnight theme 'She deserves a better wage'. Following a thoughtful, lively question and answer session we were left with fresh thoughts and ideas of the importance of sharing the Fairtrade ethos.
FILM: -'Gender and Fairtrade: The stories of women cocoa farmers in Ghana'. A film by Dr Roy Maconachie, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath.
PRESENTATION: 'How 'fair' is Fairtrade? Ethical cocoa production and gender in Ghana'. Public lecture and discussion by Dr Roy Maconachie, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath, March 8th 2019, Saltford Hall, Saltford.
Click on the following link to watch his fascinating film "Gender and Fairtrade - The stories of women cocoa farmers in Ghana": link
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Fairtrade & Traidcraft together at Saltford Christmas Market
The Saltford Fairtrade Group had their annual stall again at this year's Saltford Christmas Market on 3rd December 2016, this time working alongside a local representative (Lyndsey Wright) who had on display Fairtrade products from Traidcraft. Traidcraft's mission is to fight poverty through trade. Established in 1979, Traidcraft's unique structure - a UK trading company and a development charity working together - enables them to build long-term relationships with producers, support people to trade out of poverty and work to bring about trade justice.
In addition to the Traidcraft display the Saltford group continued to promote Fairtrade and ran a small raffle which contained a mix of products some kindly donated by the local Co-Operative store.
Finally, the group were grateful once again for the support received from the Village Hall and the Saltford Community Association who served Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar at this and at all their events.
UPDATE: Unfortunately Traidcraft went into administration in January 2023.
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Fairtrade Fortnight (29 Feb-13 Mar 2016) quiz answers
Frances and Stella at the Fairtrade Group's stall, Co-op, 5th March 2016
The Saltford Fairtrade Group had a stall at the Co-op store in Saltford during Fairtrade Fortnight on 4th and 5th March to help spread the Fairtrade message. Here are the answers for the quiz sheet handed out from the stall:
- The first Fairtrade product sold in the UK was a banana.
- The Co-operative's first own-brand product converted entirely to Fairtrade was chocolate.
- Fairtrade Fortnight is held each year over two weeks in February and March.
- Fairtrade products are now sold in over 125 countries.
- Saltford gained Fairtrade Village status in 2013.
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Fairtrade at the Saltford Festival (June 2015)
Fairtrade refreshments at Saltford Manor during the Saltford Festival.
At the Fairtrade Group's request Saltford Community Association agreed that the 2015 Saltford Festival would be Fairtrade Friendly. The Fairtrade logo was printed on all of the promotional literature and posters which reached a wide audience both inside and outside of Saltford, and that was just the start.
Chris Essex and his team supplied and delivered Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar to every SCA affiliated venue that served refreshments. The Fairtrade Group donated tea, coffee and sugar to the Guides' and Brownies' open evening events. We are proud to say that Fairtrade products were used at every event at Saltford Hall (who have been Fairtrade Friendly for some time now), The Saltford Golf Club, The Saltford Rowing Club, and Eastover Farm. Following the Festival our hope will be that these venues will continue to support Fairtrade.
All of this was made easier by the wonderful support of our local shops. The chocolate treats on the Fairtrade stalls during the Festival were kindly donated by Tesco. The Saltford Co-op have a worthy record of supporting Fairtrade and this year worked together with the SCA and helped keep the coffee cups full, the tea brewing and the wine flowing throughout the Festival. The Bird in Hand and The Jolly Sailor sweetened your tea and coffee using Fairtrade sugar and so the Fairtrade Friendly Saltford message spread.
The Saltford Festival will live in our memories and the 'festival buzz' is still with us leaving a great legacy of local togetherness. Please remember that when you buy a bunch of bananas, some castor sugar or any Fairtrade produce you will be supporting emerging country farmers to achieve fair prices for their produce and give them the means to support their families and villages in a way of their choosing. You don't have to go far to buy Fairtrade produce either, it's all in our local shops.
A big thank you to Saltford Community Association and the village of Saltford for making Saltford a truly Fairtrade Friendly Village.
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Fairtrade Fortnight, 23 February - 8 March 2015
The messages from our Fairtrade Fortnight were:
- look out for Fairtrade products and offers
- ask in your local cafés, pubs and restaurants for Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar + wine and beer!
- try and use as many Fairtrade products as possible in your cooking and baking, and
- if holding an event, coffee morning, or even a meeting try to supply Fairtrade refreshments.
Fairtrade refreshments were served on 23rd February (2015) at the Three villages charity grand coffee morning at Saltford Hall to mark the beginning of fairtrade fortnight. Pictured above are Saltford Fairtrade Group members Gill Self and Frances Eggbeer handing over fairtrade roses, coffee and hot chocolate donated by the Co-op for the raffle.
To find out more about what it means to be a 'Fairtrade Village' or how you, your shop, school, business, community group or club can get involved then please contact our local Fairtrade Group by
email to:
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Fairtrade Group serve 170+ at open garden event & prove that Fairtrade tastes good!
Visitors enjoying refreshments at Eastover Farm, 29 June 2014
The Saltford Fairtrade Group provided tea, coffee and cakes for the wildlife-friendly garden open day organised by SEG at Eastover Farm, Manor Road on Sunday 29th June 2014.
Over 170 guests enjoyed the stunning gardens and the excellent Fairtrade refreshments served continuously throughout the afternoon. Saltford Girl Guides assisted with the catering arrangements and several SEG members provided home baked cakes (see photo) using Fairtrade ingredients. Many thanks to everyone who assisted with the catering and baking, to the local Tesco, Waitrose and Co-Op stores for donating Fairtrade cake ingredients, and to
Saltford Community Association for loan of the crockery etc.
The crew: Rosie, Rose, Jonathan, Ian, Frances, Gill and Stella at Eastover Farm, 29 June 2014
Let them eat cake! Just some of the cakes (using Fairtrade ingredients) served on 29 June 2014
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Fairtrade coffee producer from Nicaragua comes to Saltford (March 2014)
Saltford's Fairtrade Group arranged for Fairtrade coffee producer Margarita Espinoza from Nicaragua to come and visit Saltford on 4th March (2014).
The day included a visit and talk to Saltford Primary School and culminated in an informal short talk and discussion at Saltford Hall. Approximately 50 people attended and were treated not only to the presentation but also had the chance to try Fairtrade refreshments including some Nicaraguan coffee. The organisers had even managed to find some traditional Nicaraguan folk music to help liven up the evening.
Margarita's talk was enthusiastically received and it clearly demonstrated just what a difference Fairtrade makes not only to her as a producer but also what the funding they receive can do to support their local schools and community helping to ensure better prices, decent working conditions,
local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and their workers.
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Saltford Fairtrade Village signs erected 21 October 2013
On the wet Monday morning of 21 October 2013, Saltford based 'Signs of Saltford' erected the road signs showing that Saltford has "Fairtrade Village status" on the entrance at each end of the village on the A4.
Also pictured here standing proudly by the newly erected sign at the West end of the village is Saltford Parish Council Chairman Duncan Hounsell and members of SEG's Fairtrade Group who have worked tirelessly to achieve Fairtrade status for Saltford. The Fairtrade Foundation awarded Saltford Fairtrade status on 4th April 2013 and our certificate was formally handed over in July 2013.
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Saltford receives its Fairtrade Village Certificate (2013)
Cllr Neil Butters and Gill Self with members of the Saltford Fairtrade Steering Group
Following the achievement of Fairtrade Village status on 4th April 2013, Saltford formally received this status at a special event held at Saltford Golf Club on 15th July 2013. The village status certificate was presented to Gill Self, the leader of the Saltford Fairtrade Group, by the Chairman of Bath and North East Somerset Council, Councillor Neil Butters.
To achieve Fairtrade Village status, the Saltford Fairtrade Group needed to achieve 5 key objectives including the support of the Parish Council and evidence that Fairtrade products are being used and promoted in Saltford retail and catering outlets, workplaces and community organisations. A portfolio of evidence was submitted to the Fairtrade Foundation earlier in 2013. Saltford Parish Council, Saltford
Community Association, Saltford School, St. Mary's Church, the Co-op Store, Saltford Environment Group, Signs of Saltford and others gave support and encouragement. Many of those organisations were represented at the Award event.
Gill Self said "The evening marked a milestone in a continuing process. We are setting new targets to demonstrate that a significant number of local businesses, organisations and community groups in Saltford support Fairtrade and are committed to using Fairtrade products in the future. Our campaigning continues. We must always remember why we
are here and our purpose - increasing the use of Fairtrade products can make a real difference to people's lives and help ensure trade really is fair."
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Fairtrade Cocktails for Caribbean Evening (March 2013)
The Fairtrade Group served a choice of Fairtrade cocktails at the Caribbean Evening held at Saltford Hall on Saturday 23rd February. Here's a report of the event from the Saltford Fairtrade Group:-
Picture a warm, balmy Caribbean evening with cocktails and good food (but in Saltford in February...). Saltford Hall was transformed into a tropical paradise by the SCA where the Fairtrade for Saltford Group made cocktails for a very successful Caribbean evening. After cutting, blending and a few sample slurps
we made piña coladas, rum punch and non-alcoholic punch from Fairtrade Rum, pineapple juice, orange juice all decorated with fresh Fairtrade pineapple and lime along with orange slices and parasols.
These were greatly enjoyed by the party goers who came back for seconds. We were asked to draw the raffle which also included a donated bottle of Fairtrade
champagne. This gave us the opportunity to tell the assembly a little about Fairtrade produce and the aims of the campaign, Fairtrade for Saltford. We were also able to provide bowls of Fairtrade nuts to go on the tables which were also donated. Thanks go to The Co-op and Tesco who made these donations and are a local source of Fairtrade products.
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Saltford Celebrates South West Fairtrade Day, 22 September 2012
Cllr. Duncan Hounsell, Chair of Saltford Parish Council, is pictured handing over a cheque for £200 to Gill Self, leader of the Saltford Fairtrade Group, on 30th September 2012. This was to mark South West Fairtrade Day held recently (on 22nd September). The South West is a leading
region for Fairtrade and Saltford Parish Council's support of Saltford Fairtrade Group is one of five goals to be met to secure Fairtrade Village status. Gill Self hopes that Saltford can obtain Fairtrade Village status during 2013.
Saltford Fairtrade Group is working with the Parish Council on Saltford's Fairtrade status and is undertaking a fact-finding audit of Saltford businesses and community groups' knowledge and use of Fairtrade products.
The Group meets regularly to plan activities to promote and encourage the use of Fairtrade products at new or existing events around the village. Contact is being made with businesses and key organisations within the village to encourage the use of Fairtrade products.
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Sourcing Fairtrade ingredients etc.
If you use any Fairtrade ingredients you can call the pud or cake Fairtrade, but of course the more you use the better, aim for 2 or 3. The list below is not exhaustive and there are lots of other places where Fairtrade ingredients are available (including Waitrose). We have tried to think of the easiest/local shops even if most are supermarkets. This is a constantly changing situation so if anyone has any comments or additions
please email them to:
Always use Fairtrade sugar - available at the Co-op, Sainsbury, Tesco, Lidl and Oxfam.
ALL Tate and Lyle sugar is Fairtrade.
You can get castor, soft brown and demerara.
Chocolate/cocoa powder
Use Cadbury, or own brands available in Co-op, Sainsbury, Lidl or Oxfam.
Available in all supermarkets but not necessarily in veg shops.
Coffee & Tea
Available in most shops but make sure it is Fairtrade.
Cashew, brazil, nuts and raisins - available in Tesco.
Orange Juice
Fresh from Co-op, Longlife from Lidl.
Dried Goods (incl spices) and Pulses
Available from W.F. Buss, Keynsham. Also Barts Herbs and Spices.
There are lots of Fairtrade recipes if you Google search them, a good site is; this also tells you where else to source the ingredients.
Although our wonderful diverse weather doesn't allow us to grow bananas and coffee beans, our local producers work hard to keep us supplied with wonderful produce as well so buying local is something to think about when we do our shopping. A fair price for their products and our support can make a difference to them as well.
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Following representations by Saltford Environment Group (SEG), Saltford Parish Council voted on 6th March 2012 to support the idea of Saltford becoming a Fairtrade Village. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.
SEG are grateful to the Co-op in Saltford who hosted and supported a Fairtrade tastings stall to launch and promote our Fairtrade activities on 10th March 2012.
A Steering Group ("Saltford Fairtrade Group") was established by SEG with support from the Parish Council and this group is co-ordinating and promoting action on our Fairtrade status. The group also maintains close links with the Keynsham Fairtrade Group - Keynsham has been a Fairtrade Town since February 2005. Saltford received its "Fairtade Village" status on 4th April 2013.
To become a Fairtrade Village five goals had to be met:
(i) Local council passes a resolution supporting Fairtrade, and agrees to serve Fairtrade products (for example, in meetings).
(ii) A range of Fairtrade products are readily available in the area's retail outlets (shops, supermarkets, newsagents and petrol stations) and served in local catering outlets (cafes, restaurants, pubs).
(iii) Local workplaces and community organisations (places of worship, schools, and other community organisations) support Fairtrade and use Fairtrade products whenever possible.
(iv) Media coverage and events raise awareness and understanding of Fairtrade across the community.
(v) A local Fairtrade steering group is convened to ensure the Fairtrade Town/Village campaign continues to develop and gain new support.
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Further information
If you would like to get involved with supporting the Saltford Fairtrade Group as a volunteer or if you have any queries, you can contact us by email:
If you would like to know more about Fairtrade history, products, and producers etc, visit the Fairtrade Foundation website:
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