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  towards a sustainable future for our village


SEG Home > History of Saltford > A - Z > Online Museum > Document Library

The History of Saltford


Here we have made available digital copies of Saltford's historic documents for you to see and/or download. In some instances we have transcribed the original texts so that you can read them in a digital form.

Scroll down page or click on these links to see:-

We have grouped together the Post Office Bath Directory entries for Saltford:-

Also see:-


MAPS: Online Map Room

TIMELINE (300 BC to the modern age)

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1086: Domesday Book entry


The earliest documentary record we have for the existence of a settlement at Saltford is in the 1086 Great Domesday Book (as "Sanford").

For background information, translation and intepretation click here: Domesday Book - Saltford >>

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1815: John Stokes' 1,000 mile walk at Saltford


We have photographed and re-published the memoir and journal by John Stokes that was published after his 1,000 mile walk in 20 days behind the Crown Inn, Saltford in November and December 1815. The image of John Stokes above is from the memoir. You can download it in two parts here (pdfs open in new window):-

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1863: Concerns over wife beating

In the 8th of August 1863 edition of The Bristol Mercury a letter from Captain Francis Haviland was published. Having moved to Saltford the previous year, Captain Haviland wrote on the subject of wife beating that "it may be read by those unruly members of society who degrade human nature by ill-using Women."

You can download the full text of Captain Haviland's letter together with some background information on the Captain and his wife Mary here (pdf, opens in new window):-

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1865: Serious railway accident between Saltford and Keynsham

At midnight on 6th June 1865, the mail train from London Paddington on its way to Bristol crashed into the back of a passenger train, smashing the last compartment of the first-class carriage to "splinters", and causing several serious injuries.

We have reproduced the press article from the Bristol Mercury (10 June 1865 edition) that described in great detail what happened. You can download the full article here (pdf opens in new window):-

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1866: Last Will & Testament of Admiral BM Kelly of Saltford House

A copy of Admiral Kelly's last will and testament signed on 29th September 1866, one year before his death, can be downloaded from the link below. It is "divided into Sections and Paragraphs with Marginal Analysis for the use of the Executors and Trustees".

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1876: Church life at St Mary's

The Church Rambler: St Mary's in 1876

"The Church Rambler" was a series of detailed articles on the churches in the neighbourhood of Bath written for the Bath Herald by Harold Lewis and published in 1876. We have transcribed Harold Lewis's article on St Mary's which gives a rare glimpse of Saltford in the 1870s and what went on at St Mary's.

You can download this interesting account here (pdf, opens in new window):

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Late 19th C: Saltford's contaminated water supply


A public meeting was held in November 1886 at Saltford School to respond to the illness and six fatalities arising from sewage contamination of the village water supply. The account of the meeting in the Bath Chronicle showed the frustration of local inhabitants at the failure of the authorities to recognise and respond to their concerns despite repeated representations.


The Bristol Mercury published an account of a public meeting of ratepayers, a "vestry meeting", held at Saltford School in May 1893 about the polluted state of Saltford's drinking water. Much of the time appears to have been spent arguing over who should be permitted to attend(!).

You can read the full transcipt of these two press articles that give a unique insight into life in Saltford here (pdf, opens in new window):

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1890: Sport (rabbit coursing) at Saltford


A question in the House of Commons on 27th February 1890 was raised concerning rabbit coursing and reference was made to this practice at the Crown Inn, Saltford.

The resulting article in the Bristol Mercury the next day (28th February) makes fascinating reading. You can download the text of the Bristol Mercury article that gives an opinionated yet interesting insight into the attitudes towards hunting with dogs in the 1890s here:-

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1891: "Adventures in a train"

Dean 4-brake third class coach (#9940) as used by GWR in late 19th C.
This, the only remaining example was manufactured in 1891.
Photograph courtesy of Didcot Railway Centre
(www.didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk) and Frank Dumbleton.

We have transcribed from the 9th April 1891 edition of the Bristol Mercury the full news story "Adventures in a train" depicting the court case in Wells which reveals a fascinating insight into late Victorian life in Bath and Saltford.

It is quite a long account but makes a great read and is amusing at times taking us back in time to life in Bath and Saltford in 1891.

Click on the link here:

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Late 19th and early 20th Century meeting minutes of the "Saltford & District Conservative & Unionist Association"


You can see some of the original minutes of meetings of the Saltford and District Conservative and Unionist Association from their Minute Book. The Association's meetings were held in several venues around Saltford including Saltford House, then home to Colonel Rolleston, and the Crown Inn, Saltford School, the W.I Hall/hut and the "Iron Building" also referred to as the "Village Reading Room" where they had their HQ and Club Room in the High Street (see photograph below). The W.I. hut and the Village Reading Room have long since been demolished. Below is a press cutting from the minute book concerning the Association's first use of the Iron Building.

(1908 postcard)

The minutes of the meeting deal mainly with the mundane administration of the Association such as the named individuals present and the topics, not substance, of the discussions. However some give an interesting insight into Saltford life as well as listing names of prominent residents such as 2nd Boar War veteran Colonel Rolleston and his son S V Rolleston, barrister-at-law; both were branch Chairman at one time and the Colonel was also President of the Association until his death in 1921.

Click on the links to open the meeting minutes (pdfs):-

  • SDCUA Meeting 22 July 1904 (& Smoking Concert, October 1905) - held at the Crown Inn where at the end of the meeting "a number of capital songs were sung during the evening". Also Smoking Concert held on 13th October 1905 at the Bird and (sic) Hand with a list of gentlemen who sang during the evening.
  • SDCUA Meeting 01 October 1906 - Mr George Henshaw, co-founder in 1879 of the engineering company Strachan & Henshaw of Bristol, present. He owned the Avon Motor Manufacturing Co. that manufactured the famous Avon Trimobile on the Saltford/Keynsham border. Full details of the Avon Trimobile can be found in the Transport Section (Online Museum, 20th C page).
  • SDCUA Meeting 23 October 1906 - These minutes were signed by Colonel Rolleston; this is our earliest image of his signature. The main business of the meeting was to arrange a Smoking Concert to be held at the Bird in Hand.
  • SDCUA Meeting 08 October 1916 - The 'Somerset Mule Squadron D' to be allowed to let the club room "as an office for Military purposes... at £2 per month."

The minutes of the inaugral meeting of the Association held in July 1892 can be found on the 19th Century page of this Online Museum.

Acknowledgement/Information Source
Jacob Rees-Mogg MP for NE Somerset (Cons) (2017)

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c.1905 Avon Trimobile Sales Leaflet

Avon Motor Manufacturing Co. was owned by George Alexander Henshaw, Chartered Engineer, co-founder in 1879 of the engineering company Strachan & Henshaw of Bristol. George Henshaw lived in Saltford at the bottom of Saltford Hill.

The Avon Motor Manufacturing Co. made 3 and 4-wheeled vehicles from 1903 on the Keynsham/Saltford border and here we have an original sales leaflet. There is more information about the Avon Tri-mobile (including a photograph of it in Saltford c.1906) and its use by the Bristol Post Office, as their first motor vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine for transporting the Royal Mail, in our Online Museum (20th C, Transport).

image + link
Sales leaflet for the Avon Tri-mobile made in Keynsham c.1905.

Click on image or here to open:
Tri-Mobile Sales Leaflet from
Avon Motor Manufacturing

(pdf 1.66MB opens in new window)

Avon Tri-mobile sales leaflet from Michael Worthington-Williams, Motoring Historian and Journalist, Carmarthenshire (2016)

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1914-18 WWI Aircraft spotting guide for Boy Scouts

Guide provided for local Boy Scouts.
Click here for pdf
larger version.

During WWI with the threat of air raids from German airships and airplanes many observers were needed to keep watch from hilltops and other vantage points to raise the alarm if airships or bombers were seen heading towards Britain. Boy Scouts were recruited to help and our local Boy Scouts then had their HQ in Keynsham, organised initially on an informal basis in 1909 with the first formal troop formed in 1916; Saltford's own Boy Scouts troop was not formed until 1927.

This original aircraft spotting guide was owned and used in Bristol by Boy Scout Reg Dunford (father of Saltford resident John Dunford) during WWI.

Click here to see larger version of guide and manuscript notes on the reverse (pdf opens in new window):- WWI Aircraft Spotter Guide.

Guide provided by Bunty and John Dunford (2017)

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1916 Saltford's War Record (& village life)


The article in the 8th July 1916 edition of the Bristol Times and Mirror lists Saltford's servicemen who had enlisted at that time (more enlisted thereafter) with portrait photographs of many of them. There is also an article immediately below the 'Roll of Honour' article describing life in the village and some of Saltford's ancient heritage.

Click here for article (opens in new window):

Acknowledgements/Information Sources
Newspaper cutting provided by Dave Curnock (2018)

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1939 Booklet on Saltford Manor by Saltford Boy Scouts

In January 1939 Saltford Boy Scouts published a small A5 size booklet "Saltford Manor House" to mark the opening of Saltford Manor House as their Headquarters and to show their gratitude to Noel Flower for his permission to allow the free use of the house.

We have scanned this fascinating 20 page booklet (including advertisements) which you can download here as a pdf by clicking on the image or the link beneath it (opens in new window):

image + link
Boy Scouts Booklet on
Saltford Manor House, 1939

(pdf 2MB)

This booklet is also featured on our page about Saltford Manor House.

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1941: Saltford Boy Scouts play important role in local war effort

Noel Flower, owner of Manor Farm (Saltford Manor House), had allowed free use of the Manor Farm to Saltford Scouts as their Headquarters from January 1939. The letter below from Noel Flower to Mr Cecil Ewins, Hon. Secretary, Saltford Boy Scouts Group Committee, gives a glimpse of local life during WW2 and illustrates the excellent work of our local Boy Scouts.


You can download here a brief account given by Mr Wilson to Bunty Dunford, who also lived in Saltford during the "Bristol Blitz", where he describes what happened on the night of 2/3 December 1940 when incendiary bombs fell on Saltford. It illustrates the impact on the village of these bombing raids by the Luftwaffe at that time:-

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WW2: Ivor Stabbins and the Home Guard

Ivor Stabbins at 19 (1945)

You can download here the account by Saltford resident Ivor Stabbins (1926 - 2012) of growing up in Saltford during the 1930s and 1940s provides a fascinating and light-hearted insight into Saltford life and in particular the local Home Guard that he joined (under age at only 15) in 1941.

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1941: Westland Whirlwind fighter crashes into Saltford Station

image + link to pdf document

An article giving a graphic eyewitness account of the day in October 1941 when a Westland Whirlwind fighter crashed into the weighbridge at Saltford station and exploded. The article paints a picture of the important part Saltford station played in village life in the 1940s. Click on image or here to open document (pdf opens in a new window).

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1949: Conveyance Document for Saltford's Memorial Garden

This document records the sale in 1949 of a small plot of land by the Bath Road/Beech Road/Manor Road crossroads in Saltford in the county of Somerset by the owner Mr A E J Jefferies (a Bath resident and butcher who owned the adjacent Butcher's Shop at 476 Bath Road) to Keynsham Urban District Council and authorised by the Public Health Act 1925 for the sum of £20. The land was purchased to create Saltford's Memorial Garden.

The document includes a covenant that "the Council or their successors in title will not use or permit to be used the property hereby conveyed or any part thereof for the pupose of carrying on the trade or business of butcher."

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1959 Brochure "Our Village" by Saltford WI

Published on 10 February 1959 this "brochure" was compiled by six members of Saltford Women's Institute with "knowledge gained from various sources."

It provides a rare description of 1950s Saltford with its "quaint old world appearance... the almost medieval character of some of its habitations... and... a romantic attractiveness which one cannot fail to appreciate."

Click on image to download key extracts from this 1959 brochure (pdf opens in new window).

image + link

Acknowledgements/Information Sources
Original brochure loaned by Margaret Stabbins (2017)

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Saltford School Magazine, 1961

To see extracts from the 4th Edition of the 1961 Saltford School Magazine click on the image below (pdf opens in new window). This was a lengthy 35 page document so we have published just a few key pages that give a glimpse of life at Saltford School in 1961.

image + link
Click on image to open magazine in new window (pdf 3.1Mb).

Provided by 1961 pupil Robert Woodberry (2018)

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1961 Garland Bros. (14 High St.) groceries bill

To see the April 1961 groceries shopping bill from Garland Bros. the grocery store at 14 High Street, Saltford, that totalled £2.9.31/2 (£2, 9 shillings & 3 pence ha'penny)* for a week's shopping (approximately), click on image below (pdf opens in a new window).
*The pre-decimal currency system in the UK consisted of 20 shillings to the pound with 12 (old) pennies in each shilling (i.e. 240 pennies to the pound).

(Click on image for larger pdf version)

Image provided by Saltford resident Robert Taylor (2023)

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Dept. of the Environment Historic Buildings List - Saltford, June 1975

You can download here the Saltford entries from the June 1975 Dept. of the Environment 'List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest' for the Keynsham area of the Wansdyke District.

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St Mary's Parish Magazine, November 1975

To see the November 1975 edition of St Mary's Parish magazine click on the image below.

The advertisements for shops that once served the village in Saltford's High Street are particularly interesting. Also the article (on page 9) about the memorial window to the late Cecil Ewins in the tower above the porch is noteworthy.

image + link
Click on image to open magazine in new window (pdf 3.9Mb).

This magazine is also featured on our page about St Mary's church.

Acknowledgements/Information Sources
Original magazine from Trevor Ewins (2016)

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The struggle for education in Saltford (19th & early 20th C) by Bunty Dunford, January 1992

You can download here a short but illuminating article describing school life in Saltford in the 19th and early 20th Century written for the local news media by Saltford resident Bunty Dunford and published on 17 January 1992:-

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Saltford Cricket Club v Somerset CCC
Programme, 9th July 1995

image + link
Click on image to open programme in new window (pdf 3Mb).

This programme makes specific reference to the historic first recorded cricket match played in Somerset at Saltford on 13th July 1751 and includes the autographs of 5 Somerset County cricketers including Marcus Trescothick and Keith Parsons.

Acknowledgements/Information Sources
Original programme from Rob Taylor (2016)

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Post Office Bath Directory entries for Saltford

Scroll down page or click on these links:-

1880 Post Office Bath Directory entry for Saltford


You can also download the above image as a pdf document here:

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1896 Post Office Bath Directory entry for Saltford


You can also download the above image as a pdf document here:

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1915 Post Office Bath Directory entry for Saltford


You can also download the above image as a pdf document here:

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1922 Post Office Bath Directory entry for Saltford


You can also download the above image as a pdf document here:

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1934 Post Office Bath Directory entry for Saltford

Saltford 1934

You can download the 2 page Saltford entry as a pdf document here:

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1937 Post Office Bath Directory entry for Saltford

Saltford 1937

You can download the 6 page Saltford entry as a pdf document here:

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2019 Saltford Brass Mill wildlife


Bethany Sewell, a photography student at Falmouth University, used the Brass Mill for a coursework project. The project involved making a photographic record of the wildlife in and around the mill and producing a magazine article which discusses the relationship between conservation of the mill and the conservation of wildlife. The article also touches on the fascinating history of our famous mill. Click on the link below to read her article:

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2024 Saltford Area of Great Landscape Value

(and Landscape and Heritage Sensitivity Assessment)


On 5th March 2024 Saltford Parish Council resolved to adopt and publish as a planning policy document a new paper "The Saltford Area of Great Landscape Value - Planning Policy and Character Appraisal by Saltford Parish Council".

Saltford Parish Council sought to provide information and data that offered planners and developers a greater insight of Saltford landscape's high quality and value to the community. The document was endorsed by Saltford Community Association, St Mary's Parochial Church Council, Saltford Environment Group and the Avon & Bristol Branch of the CPRE (Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England).

The document was published together with a stand-alone accompanying document "Saltford's Area of Great Landscape Value - A Photographic Record".

You can download the Saltford Parish Council documents here:-

On 2nd July 2024 Saltford Parish Council resolved to adopt as a planning policy document a new paper 'Landscape and Heritage Sensitivity Assessment of Saltford South of the A4' and then an accompanying paper, 'Landscape and Heritage Sensitivity Assessment of Saltford North of the A4', was adopted on 6th August 2024.

These two important papers were prepared and published to assist the Parish Council in discussions with the Local Planning Authority, BaNES Council, on a suitable landscape designation to protect the area from future development as well as to provide a detailed assessment of the value and sensitivity of the Green Belt landscape surrounding Saltford.

You can download a copy of each paper here:-

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2024 The History of Saltford In 20 Objects

SEG's Andrew Stainer was asked to summarise the entire history of Saltford in 45 minutes in a lunchtime talk at the 2022 Saltford Festival. For the 2024 Saltford Festival, SEG and the Saltford Community Association produced a free handout booklet based on the 2022 talk.

You can download the short illustrated booklet here:-

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Don't forget to also visit our Online Map Room and also our Timeline page as this shows what was happening around the world, in England and in Saltford as Saltford emerged from the Iron Age to how it is today.


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W3C compliant website. Web page designed and produced by Phil Harding.